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Welcome to the MVFD Motown Message Board

Welcome to the Motown Message Board ! 

To read a post, simply click on the orange title. Feel free to comment on other's posts by clicking on the reply button when that post is open.

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In order to post, or reply to a topic, you must login using your email address and your password. If you have not done so, please register your email address and create a password to participate in the message board.

Please be respectful and use language appropriate for all people as this site may be accessed by children. Any Posts that are found to be derogatory or inappropriate will be removed and the author will be banned from participating in the future.

Have FUN !

  1. Fire prevention week is October 3rd through October 9th 2010. But always remember that you should practice fire prevention everyday.
  2. As one of the cleanest power sources known to man, aside from solar, the production of electricity through the use of wind turbines is a great addition to and alternative to conventional methods. However, what is the ultimate cost of this production method? Using the simple rules for cause and effect, or for every action there will be an equal but opposite reaction, what are the effects or reactions that will be seen from the use of wind turbines? I am completely for the use of sustainable energy resources, but, at what price should these wind turbines be affordable? I've explored both the pros and cons relating to this issue, but would like to invite anyone else to provide their input - to hopefully bring to light all the information and concerns pertaining to this subject, and in particular, those relating to the "Stone Church" wind project. The "Stone Church" wind project is that which is concentrated on the areas between approximately Hammond, NY and Ogdensburg, NY.
  3. So the Village and Town of Morristown are looking into the possible merger of the two "identities". I for one, do not live in the village, and thus will not directly see any impact on my situation, but I would love to read or hear about any stance that is taken on this issue. If you would like to leave any comments for others to read, please continue here with a thread to this post, or feel free to create a new post of your own. Again, hope everyone likes the site, and if there's anything we can do to improve it, again, feel free to send us your comments.
  4. Sorry to those of you who have tried to use this message board in the past. Some of the links were not corrected as we changed course while building the site. We have reprogrammed our links and login process so that everything now works. Again, sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused, and if anyone has anything they would like to post... let it fly! If anyone happens to find any errors or is confused with any function of this site, please send us an email and we will address any situations, or concerns as quickly as possible. Our email address is .
  5. Welcome to the Motown Message Board! I hope everyone will find this site to be a fun and exciting addition to the Morristown Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad. The Members of the squad hope that everyone will enjoy being able to use this site to get important community information, and also, to be able to better get ahold of them. If anyone has the time, probably 2 minutes, please take our really quick survey and let us know if there is something you like, dislike, or if there is something that you would like to see improved on this site.

    Again, I personally hope everyone enjoys the site.... and have fun with it ! If anyone is interested in viewing some of the other projects that I have worked on, you may visit my business' site at the address below. If anyone has any info that they would like included in one of the news sections, please email your content to the station, and upon the members' review and approval, we will get everything up for you.

  6. Welcome to the Motown Message Board! I hope everyone will find this site to be a fun and exciting addition to the Morristown Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad. The Members of the squad hope that everyone will enjoy being able to use this site to get important community information, and also, to be able to better get ahold of them. If anyone has the time, probably 2 minutes, please take our really quick survey and let us know if there is something you like, dislike, or if there is something that you would like to see improved on this site.

    Again, I personally hope everyone enjoys the site.... and have fun with it ! If anyone is interested in viewing some of the other projects that I have worked on, you may visit my business' site at the address below. If anyone has any info that they would like included in one of the news sections, please email your content to the station, and upon the members' review and approval, we will get everything up for you.



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Morristown Volunteer Fire + Rescue Squad
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Morristown Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company 1