1. Introducing the Revolutionary new dual lens Wunder360 S1
Available for Orders NOW- 150 sets in Stock!!
Adding significant functionality to our VR product line, CamVFX announces real-time live streaming 360 degree 4K video cameras. Our newest model is named the Wunder360 S1 which is a full featured model designed after other action cameras but with true high def 360 degree images and videos!!
2. iPiSoft Motion Capture Software
Current iPisoft Feature Highlights - Support of up to 3 Actors added
- Support of up to 16 Sony PS3 Eye cameras, 4 depth sensors added
- Biomech Add-on: added point cloud export formats convenient for animators, including Krakatoa PRT, PLY, OBJ, Leika PTS.
- Fine actor proportions adjustments allow to increase tracking accuracy due to more precise adjustments of actor model used for tracking. Tracking of children actors and actors with non-typical proportions is now possible.
- Visual bone picker makes selection of bones much more convenient
- Improved background subtraction for Kinect v2
- Kinect v2 tracking data is now used for workflow improvements