Submit Kids Eat FREE Information!

We are always looking for Special Meal Deal Offers for kids.

If you are aware of any restaurants that offer FREE Kids Meals, please let us know by submitting their information to us.

Please Include: 

Restaurant Name:

Address: (City, State, Zip)

Phone#: (If you have this information.)

Note: What days does this restaurant offer their FREE Kids Meals?

Note: Any restrictions required to receive their FREE Kids Meal!

Enter: Your Name

Enter: Your Name

Enter: Your Email Address

Enter: Your Email Address

1.  Restaurant Name:

1. Restaurant Name:

2.  Restaurant Address:

2. Restaurant Address:

3.  City:

3. City:

4.  Zip:

4. Zip:

5.  Phone #:

5. Phone #:

6.  What is the FREE Kids Meal Offer?

6. What is the FREE Kids Meal Offer?

7.  What day(s) is this FREE Kids Meal offered?

7. What day(s) is this FREE Kids Meal offered?

8.  What are the requirements and/or restrictions on this offer?

8. What are the requirements and/or restrictions on this offer?